The reports that are generated are called parcel abstract reports. They include information on the property's legal description and PIN number, instruments registered against the PIN number, and will identify the Grantors and Grantees. Parcel abstract reports can be ordered by PIN number, Lot and Plan numbers or by the names of the Grantee(s). It is also important to know which Land Registry system contains the record for the property.
What is a Land Title Search?
A Land Title Search is a way of looking up information about a specific property. This involves checking records at a local office to find out who owns the property, what it's like, and if there are any debts or legal issues attached to it. People usually do a Land Title Search when they want to buy a property or need to know its value and risks.
A land title search will provide the following information:
Names and Mailing Address of all Registered Owners.

Names and Mailing Address
of all Registered Owners.
Date of Registration

Date of
Taxation Authority

Legal land description

Legal land
Mortgages, charges, liens or interests:

Mortgages, charges,
liens or interests:
What information do I need to search a title?
A land title can be obtained by anyone of the following:
Section 1

Legal description or Parcel Identifier (PID) - BC ONLY
Legal descriptions can be found on the property's tax notice or assessment notice. A full legal description may include: Lot, Block, District Lot, Township, Range, Meridian and Plan. However in most cases, only the lot and plan numbers are required to successfully obtain a title search.
Section 2

Title Number
The title number can be found on the registered Form A transfer document. This number is issued by the Land title office when a transfer document is received for filing. Searching by title number is usually done when obtaining historical or cancelled titles. Each title will reference the 'from title,' or in other words, the previous title number thus establishing the property's historical chain.
Section 3

Owner's Name
Searching the Land Registry by name will identify all of the properties owned by an individual or company. A Name Search will provide the title number, legal description and PID of each of the properties listed under that name. One or all of the titles can then be obtain. It is important to note that this search does not provide the property's civic address. An additional search may be required to match the property's legal description to a civic address.
Section 4

Residential Address
In most provinces, the legal description is required in order to successfully obtain a title search.
Start your Title Search Now
Why do I need a Title Search?
Buying a Home
Are you on the hunt for your dream home? When making such a big investment, it's important to have all the facts before committing. That's where a title search comes in. This process will uncover vital information, such as who currently owns the property and how long they've owned it. But that's not all - a title search will also reveal any charges or encumbrances registered against the property, which could potentially impact its value or use. Armed with this knowledge, you can make a fully informed decision when it comes time to make an offer. Don't let surprises catch you off guard - do a title search and ensure that your dream home is everything you've hoped for and more.
Rezoning or Building Permits
When it comes to rezoning or building permit applications, municipalities are sticklers for detail. That's why a current title search is often required before such applications can even be considered. But that's not all - depending on the type of application, the City may also require other legal documents, like subdivision plans or registered copies of important documents. It might seem like a hassle, but all these requirements are in place to ensure that everything is above board and that the project is in line with all legal and zoning regulations. So, if you're planning on building or rezoning in a particular area, make sure to do your research and gather all the necessary documents to make the process as smooth as possible.
Business Professionals
Land title searches, registered documents and tax searches are also essential to many business professionals. Lawyers, notaries, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, appraisers, developers, insurance brokers, bankers and many other professionals all require land title searches to conduct their business affairs.
Historical Land Titles
Historical titles can be searched if you want to know who owned a property before the current owners or to follow a property's chain of history as recorded in the land title office. Historical title searches can be requested back to a particular date in time, family name or back to the very first fee simple grant from the crown.
If you require an historical title for a certain date or family name and there have been several changes in ownership between the current owners and the title you are searching, each title will have to be obtained until the particular date or family name is found.